As is well known, on February 10, 2014, Article 83 of the Constitution of the United Mexican States was amended, which indicates:
The coming into effect of the aforementioned amendment is regulated by the FIFTEENTH transitional article which orders: “Amendments to Articles 65; 74, Section IV and 83 of this Constitution will come into effect on December 01, 2018. Consequently, the presidential term covering the years between 2018 and 2024 will begin on December 01, 2018 and conclude on September 30, 2024”.
“Article 74. Are mandatory rest days:
VII. Every six years on December 01, when the transfer of the Federal Executive Branch occurs;
Therefore, when there is no transfer of the executive Branch on December 01, the aforementioned day will not be considered a mandatory rest day.
As of 2024, in October there will be a mandatory rest day for federal civil servants.
On July 12 the Official Gazette of the Federation, [in Spanish: el Diario Oficial de la Federación], (DOF), published an amendment to Article Two of the decree, which establishes the Official Timetable, published on October 6, 1993, and its subsequent amendment.
Article Two indicates that: “Incumbents of government agencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration, whose employment relationship is regulated by sub-paragraph B) of Constitutional Article 123, must be observed as a mandatory rest day, for federal civil servants who work accordingly:
Therefore, employees who have to work on October 1, 2024 (public holiday), will have the right to be paid, regardless of the salary that corresponds to them because of the mandatory rest day, with double the salary for the provided service. That is, the payment will be triple on the aforementioned day.
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