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LT Magazine – Trimester 1, 2024
2024-07-03 13:25:00
The post LT Magazine – Trimester 1, 2024 appeared first on Latin Trade....
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A Report Card on Latin America’s Bureaucratic Conundrum
2024-06-27 18:54:00
by Jerry Haar* “Lethargic” best describes Latin America’s perennial challenge to grow its economy and create prosperity for its people, regardless of their socioeconomic status. The World Bank forecasts regional GDP will expand by 1.6% in 2024. GDP growth of 2.7% and 2.6% is expected for 2025 and 2026. These...
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Crisis management during gigantic catastrophes: a column by Ingo Plöger
2024-06-18 11:36:00
by Ingo Plöger* Those in charge of organizations are rarely prepared to manage large-scale natural crises, that is, catastrophes of gigantic order. Floods, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, fires, avalanches, terrorist attacks, are a few examples that are occurring around us and claiming hundreds and thousands of precious lives....
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Nature’s Currency: How Biodiversity Credits are Reshaping Conservation
2024-06-17 09:09:00
By Victoria Galeano* Imagine sipping your morning coffee in a bustling city, knowing that your actions are helping to preserve distant rainforests. This is the magic of biodiversity credits—a financial innovation blending economics with environmental stewardship. These credits provide a tangible, measurable impact on biodiversity, offering a lifeline to endangered...
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“Latin America, the vision of its leaders” A book by Andrés Rugeles and 100 regional leaders
2024-06-12 08:57:00
The Colombian Andrés Rugeles has achieved an almost impossible task: succesfully inviting over a hundred Latin American thought leaders to reflect on the future of the region, above political and ideological differences. The outcome is inscribed in the book “Latin America, the vision of its leaders.” “A book of this...
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Take a Look at the Profitability Drivers Index 4Q 2023
2024-05-31 16:36:00
Explore the index to gauge the financial details of the most profitable companies with over $300 million in sales in Latin America. Don’t miss the comprehensive insights, besides revenues, the financial data covers total assets, stock equity, net income, net margin, asset turnover and financial leverage. Invest wisely and thrive....
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Global Tourism Industry on Track for Full Recovery by 2024
2024-05-24 12:02:00
The global tourism industry is set to reach, and possibly surpass, pre-pandemic levels by the end of 2024, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF). Five years post-COVID-19, the sector is experiencing a robust resurgence driven by a surge in international travel, improved air connectivity, and strong rebounds in key...
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Take a Look at the Multilatina Ranking for 4Q 2023
2024-05-21 11:23:00
Explore the ranking to gauge the financial strength of over 150 companies with over USD$500 million in revenues across Latin America. Don’t miss the comprehensive insights with information for revenues for the last three years. Invest wisely and thrive. To purchase the full Ranking, please click the link: To read this...
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Brazil’s Embrace of Biotechnology: a column by Jerry Haar
2024-05-17 10:20:00
If there has been any positive collateral impact of the global pandemic, it has been the rapid evolvement of biotechnology to effectively address global challenges in health care, science and agriculture—all aimed at improving the quality of life for people across the globe. COVID vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna...
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Take a Look at the Top Latin American 100 Banks in 2023
2024-05-06 19:17:00
Explore the ranking of the 100 biggest banks in Latin America. Don’t miss the information on the biggest bank’s assets since 2019 and its trends. Invest wisely and thrive. To acquire the full Index, please click the link: To read this post, you must purchase a Business Intelligence Subscription, Business Intelligence...
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