SAT presents facilities for the annual declaration of Legal Persons 2017
SAT presents facilities for the annual declaration of Legal Persons 2017

On April 3, the Tax Administration Service (SAT) informed the taxpayers, through a press release, of the facilities for the submission of the 2017 annual return for natural persons. 

Below you will find a summary of the most important points: 

- The individuals that are required to file an annual income tax return are those who provide professional services, perform business, lease or interest activities, employees with two or more employers or with another activity, among others. 

- Employees with a single employer need not submit the annual return. If they wish to do so later, they may present it at any time of the year.

- Taxpayers who receive income from salaries may consult the payroll receipts that their employer or retainer issued for them during fiscal year 2017 in the application created by the SAT, called "Payroll Viewer", which can be found in the DeclaraSAT (application for the submission of the 2017 annual return for individuals).

 - The field called "Return Consultation" is incorporated into the DeclaraSAT, in which taxpayers may review the status of their return and, if it is the case, the reasons for rejection. 

-To facilitate the fulfillment of this obligation, thanks to the information provided by the electronic invoice, SAT offers taxpayers a tax return proposal, so it only needs to be reviewed, accepted and sent. 

- Individuals may present their annual return using their password, except for those taxpayers who will obtain a balance in favor of more than 50 thousand pesos, or have modified their bank code, in which case it will be mandatory to present the annual return using the electronic signature. 

In his message, the general administrator of SAT’s Information Technology, Luis Fernando Cadena Barrera, said that people are making a more intensive usage of SAT’s cloud computing platform, and that this year the platform where the return is submitted will be able to process consultation requests of up to 100 thousand taxpayers simultaneously, receive up to 60 thousand statements per hour, that means that in one day it can process up to 250,000 statements when only 30 thousand were received per hour before.

It is important to mention that the personal deductions and the stimulus, which can lead to obtain a balance in favor, will already be prefilled in the return and will correspond to the expenses made in the previous year by the taxpayers, these can be considered deductions providing the CFDI was requested and the payments were made with credit or debit card  or by electronic transaction.

The deadline to comply with this obligation is April 30, 2018.

Please let us know, should you have any questions or need clarification on this subject.


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