The Buzón Tributario (Tax Mailbox) will enter into effect on June 30th, 2014
The Buzón Tributario (Tax Mailbox) will enter into effect on June 30th, 2014

As mentioned in previous bulletins, as of June 30th, 2014, the Tax Authorities’ new notification mechanism “Buzón Tributario” will enter into effect and will apply in this first phase to legal entities.

Though this new system, the Tax Authorities will be able to electronically send notifications, communiqués, invitations, requirements, filing resolutions, tax credits, etc. to taxpayers. These notifications will be sent through the Tax Authorities’ website in the “Mi Portal” section.

Taxpayers will file promotions, requests, notifications or respond to Authority requirements using digital documents and will also be able to consult their tax status.


The Buzón Tributario process will be carried out as follows:

1. Companies will have to choose an email address to which notifications sent by the Tax Authorities will be received, and from which they will be sent to the Authorities by the taxpayer, this email address will have to be registered through the Tax Authorities’ website.

As these notifications can be sent any day of the week, month or year, it would be recommendable to appoint two or three people from the company in charge of reviewing and forwarding the notifications to the corresponding areas.

We would also suggest setting up a new email address so that various people receive the notifications sent by the Tax Authorities. An example could be which would include the appointed people in charge of these matters.

2. Companies will have 3 business days to open the notifications sent by the Tax Authorities. As of the moment any one of the people in charge opens or accesses the Tax Authorities’ portal to review the notification received, an electronic proof of receipt will be generated which will include the time and date on which the taxpayer was identified to open the document, this process can only be carried out by using the electronic signature. As of the following business day of the document being opened, the countdown to deadline set by the Authorities, and stated in the notifications received, to respond will start.

Taxpayers will have 3 business days to open the document in there Buzón Tributario, if the document is not opened by the 4th business day the taxpayer will be considered as notified, which is why it is extremely important to review the Buzón Tributario on a daily basis.

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